Title of the piece: | "Puzzle VII" |
Author: | Lewis Carroll (1832–1898) |
First published: | as one of seven "Puzzles from Wonderland" in the July, 1870, issue of Aunt Judy's Magazine |
Copyright: | Public domain |
When the King found that his money was nearly all gone, and that he really must live more economically, he decided on sending away most of his Wise Men. There were some hundreds of them—very fine old men, and magnificently dressed in green velvet gowns with gold buttons: if they had a fault, it was that they always contradicted one another when asked for their advice—and they certainly ate and drank enormously. So, on the whole, he was rather glad to get rid of them. But there was an old law, which he did not dare to disobey, which said that there must always be
"Seven blind of both eyes:
Two blind of one eye:
Four that see with both eyes:
Nine that see with one eye."
(Query. How many did he keep?)